
agosto 2014

New single released

We have released «Around the Oak», the first single for our forthcoming album «Torches Will Rise Again». The single includes the album version and a... Read More
agosto 2014
Urashima // Urashima (single) | 2019
  1. Urashima // Urashima (single) | 2019
  2. Introll // Drakum - Trollmin
  3. Wall of Deadly Trolls // Drakum - Trollmin
  4. Around the Oak // Drakum - Around the Oak (single) | 2014
  5. Magic Potion of the Evil Jester // Trollmin | 2015
  6. Troll Recipe // Drakum - Trollmin
  7. Outroll // Drakum - Trollmin