Slider Shortcode

Shortcode Usage

Slider With Left Caption

Get the code

[gallery columns="4" link="file" caption="yes" thumbnail_size="post-slider-bottom" type="slider" ids="2015,2018,2038,2047"]

Slider With Center Caption

Get the code

[gallery columns="4" link="file" caption="yes" thumbnail_size="post-slider-bottom" type="slider" ids="2015,2018,2038,2047" caption_position="center"]

Slider With Right Caption

Get the code

[gallery columns="4" link="file" caption="yes" thumbnail_size="post-slider-bottom" type="slider" ids="2015,2018,2038,2047" caption_position="right"]

Slider Thumbnail Style

Get the code

[gallery columns="6" link="file" caption="yes" thumbnail_size="small-grid-size" type="thumbnail" ids="2038,2047,2037,2024,2018,2015"]

Urashima // Urashima (single) | 2019
  1. Urashima // Urashima (single) | 2019
  2. Introll // Drakum - Trollmin
  3. Wall of Deadly Trolls // Drakum - Trollmin
  4. Around the Oak // Drakum - Around the Oak (single) | 2014
  5. Magic Potion of the Evil Jester // Trollmin | 2015
  6. Troll Recipe // Drakum - Trollmin
  7. Outroll // Drakum - Trollmin